
Automate your
Business Communication

Communication is an integral part of every businesses’ operations. There’s not much that can be done without some form of communication with another party – whether that be a supplier, distributor, client, colleague, or what have you. With the need for communicating being so important to the ongoing success of a business, it’s no wonder that businesses are turning to automation to help facilitate the sending and management of these various messages and notifications.

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Unified Messaging Platform

Send emails, sms & phone calls from the same platform

Bulk Uploads & “Mail Merge”

Upload Bulk data from spreadsheet exported from any customer database for messaging.

Voice (text-to-speech/audio-clip)

Use text or upload an audio clip to generate outbound voice calls.

Response Capture

Store keyed (dtmf) responses from voice calls in database or published HTML forms.

Notification Templates

Create and reuse templates for routine communications.

Schedule Notifications

Schedule your calls, text messages and emails.

Our Features

What Features We Provide

Recipient Groups
Call Scheduling
Notification templates
API Integration
Use your own email provider

Save Time & Money

By integrating automation into your business processes, you will benefit greatly from the cost savings and efficiencies derived from using automation. Automated Communication Systems can place Automated Phone Calls and send SMS messages or Emails to a list of contacts, using pre-defined message templates and customer specific information..

Benefits of An Automated Communication System

Save time and increase efficiency

Any time you incorporate automation into a process you are doing so in an effort to increase the overall efficiency of that process and save the time and manual effort of your employees and ultimately cost. By using an automated communication system with reporting capabilities that provide you with information about how many customers opened your messages, as well as how many people actually interacted with them (e.g. clicked on a button or link) you can determine whether your content is engaging enough or if it needs to be tweaked.

Leverage multiple channels of communication

The ability to create automated campaigns via multiple communication channels such as email, SMS & voice from within a central interface, makes it very easy to engage your customers through the communication method they prefer

Schedule and template your communications

An automated communication system is the ability to both schedule your communication campaigns as well as provide the ability to template any recurring messages your company may regularly send out, saving you the work of having to replicate them every time